Monday, September 22, 2008

Dirty Secret Of The Bailout: Thirty-Two Words

Here they are:"Decisions by the Secretary pursuant to the authority of this Act are non-reviewable and committed to agency discretion, and may not be reviewed by any court of law or any administrative agency."Still think this bailout as proposed is a good idea? Think again.

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Hmm, perhaps this bailout is not the best idea? Our government needs to stop rushing into hasty decisions and sit down to hash this thing out. This bailout is a big deal and i don't think that it would be the best idea to pass it quickly over the span of a week. I understand the economy is hurting, and thus the American people are hurting, but the fact of the matter is that this bailout could have serious long term implications. It is best to stop where we are right now and take the time to consider what this bailout means and what it could cause.
I also find it funny that as soon as Fannie Mae and the Lehmen Bros crashed McCain was quick to ofer up a hasty economic plan only to revise it within the same day he presented it. Obama on the other hand, the less expierenced candidate, was mature enough to realize that this is something that is going to take serious consideration and that needs to be looked at from all angles and all the facts must be presented before rushing to deliver an economic plan.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Oh Kwame...

So Kwame has finally resigned, but he refuses to go without a bang. His resignation speech left me with a taste of vomit in my mouth and the need to change the station. His arrogance and his references to 'god' and 'prayer' in order to make himslef relatable to his audience were just all too much. Sure you claim to be a man of God Kwame, but that dosent change the fact that your GUILTY. The fact of the matter is, Kwame, you committed the crime and now its time to do your time. During his speech the former mayor of Detroit attacked Granholm for putting his resignation up on the top of he to-do list rather than taking care of Michigan's other countless problems. The thing is Kwame, if you weren't a lying, cheating theif then she wouldnt have to take time out of her busy agenda to come babysit you. However, I always find persistance refreshing, and it was lovley to hear that Kwame is actuallyso self-involved that he would think he has a chance to come back to office. Seriously? Why would anyone in their right mind re-elect you after you laundered millions of tax dollars, misused the police force and cost the city nine million+ dollars to clean up your messes? Come on Detroit, we can do better. What I also found astonishing was the fact that throughout the scandal, the lies, and the fact that Kwame cheated on her (proven once, but other allegations of cheating with other women have risen) Kwame's wife still comes and stands next to her scoundrel of a husband and tells him she'll be there until the end. Well ladies and gentelman, that must be love... or sheer stupidity. What's the diffrence nowadays anyways right? Kwame spoke with grace and eloquence, however the fact of the matter is, it dosent matter how you say it: guilty is guilty.